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Name: Kassi
Date: 11/08/2008
Message: David Archuleta! I LOVE you with all my heart. david archuleta is "IT" hes the most amazing-est guy...wait PERSON ever. hes a hero.without david archuleta i dont know what kinda person i'd be.hes a wonderful role model and MY HERO! i love u will all my heart forever & ever and EVER! xokassi.

Date: 11/07/2008
Message: Just wanted to stop and thank everyone that has sent us comments. We trully appreciate your support. Check our David Archuleta Tribute banner on the home page for all the details and find out how to send us shoutouts.

Name: Rachel
Date: 11/07/2008
Message: David Archuleta is the world idol. He rocked Crush on Leno last night. AWESOME

Name: Ann
Date: 11/07/2008
Message: You guys rok. Thanks so much for supporting David Archuleta, my american idol.

Name: Kevin
Date: 11/07/2008
Message: David Archuleta ROCKS, we love crush. David is a beautiful person inside and out. Thanks FHR

Name: Lisa
Date: 11/07/2008
Message: Thank you FHR for being so supportive To the wonderful David Archuleta, he truly has a beautiful voice, as well as being a great role model.

Name: Sammy
Date: 11/07/2008
Message: Thanks so much for promoting David Archuleta on your website and radio. He is an awesome singer and I can't wait for his album on 11/11

Name: Robynn & Charlie Sampson
Date: 10/25/2008
Message: Hi Tyler, Sure do miss seeing you sing at the flea market in Port Richie. I hope you remember us, we sure remember you.

Name: Rachel
Date: 10/17/2008
Message: I heart Declan!

Name: Leslie
Date: 10/11/2008
Message: i love Declan Galbraith!♥ he has an amazing voice! i love his newest album You And Me. i just wish he would be more well none here in the U.S. I hope everything goes well for him! Best Wishes Leslie

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