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FHR Radio Entertainment was created by a vision of wanting to give something back to the communities we live in. Jeremy and I have put all of our resources into running FHR Radio and everything it has to offer. All this is brought to you free of charge and we want to continue that.

By being an FHR Sponsor, you will help us off-set the cost related to running the website, the FHR Radio Station, station's music license, hosting fee's, interviews, etc that makes FHR what it is and different from the rest. The difference between FHR Radio and other places is that we listen to what our listeners have to say, we answer your emails, we pay extra attention to detail, we provide sites for those that cannot afford one, we provide free message boards and monitor them, and we go out of our way to make sure our site remains pop-up free. I would hate a website that when you log in, 20 different pop-ups come on. I've seen other radio stations, they got pop-up galore because that is how they make money.

FHR Radio was not founded to make money. It was founded to provide a service, a much needed service, especially to the younger generation of entertainers and independent artists whose money restraints and other issues continues to cause their talent to remain unknown. We at FHR Radio hope to do our part in order to be able to change that.

By supporting FHR Radio, you will help us continue our mission, provide you live interviews with today's artists, bring you the best music in national, international and independent, support the younger generation and assist them in realizing their dreams, provide the much needed air-play for today's independent singers and together we can make a difference.

FHR Radio will NEVER ask anyone to pay in order to have their music played. If you come across a station terrestial or otherwise that requires you to pay a fee in order for them to play your music, I suggest you stay away from them. No station should ask anyone to pay a fee to have your music played. We give all our artists our upmost consideration and have a process in place to consider your music, ALL FREE OF CHARGE...

Donations are a way to help FHR Radio continue it's mission of helping independent artists no matter what age, what nationality, what country. Anything helps no matter how small.

If you become a sponsor, you will have the opportunity to be featured on our website and/or social media pages as an FHR Radio sponsor. If you have a business, your business can also be advertised as a sponsor. 

Orlando H
Station Manager

Jeremy S
Program Director   

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